Ski instructors, mountain lovers, mont blanc addicted, this is the core of the lead characters of this movie


Ski instructor

Since the days post ski club with his brother Charles he explored Aosta Valley mountains searching for adrenaline of the steep and fresh snow. In free time he dedicates to sports and wine, of which he is a great lover.


Ski instructor

As soon as he can escape from his job to devote himself to his passion for the mountains. Year after year, winter or summer, conquers all the peaks of Aosta Valley seeking the peace and satisfaction of having achieved its goals.


Ski instructor

After a successful past as an athlete she becomes a ski instructor. She learned to love mountains while respecting them far and wide. Mother of two girls, inseparable from her golden retriever and her red cat.


Ski instructor & alpine guide

He taught Barbara, Carlo and Alessio to love and respect the mountain. Through the magnificent climbs and descents, always offering competence and passion conjugated to security.